Reference to Location

Location reference exercise; write full sentences.

e.g. Sister likes the person next to Dad. 姐姐喜欢在爸爸旁边的那个人。

  1.  The library is in front of the student activity center.
  2. Canada is to the north of America.
  3. The U.S. is in between Mexico and Canada.
  4. The cafeteria is inside the student activity center.
  5. The beer bottles are underneath my bed.
  6. Give me the tea cup to the right of the plate.
  7. Younger brother likes to watch the TV set inside the car.
  8. The teacher in front of the map does not know where China is.
  9. I dislike the person in between mom and dad.
  10. My lawyer often goes to the coffee shop south of our school.