What exercises

的 can be used to nominalize attributes or actions into a noun (like gerund in English where a verb serves as a noun when you add the suffix of ing; like ice-skating is fun).

Examples: 要饭的 = beggars; 看门的 = door keepers; 红的 = red ones; 吃的 = edibles

的 can also be used as “what” in English

例子:【What I want to tell you】 + is + 【I am in love with you】.

                       【我 想 告 诉 你 的】 + 是 + 【我 爱 你】。

Translate the following into Chinese, 请翻译下面的句子。

  1. What they ate last night was home-style doufu 豆腐.
  2. What my sister dislikes is you don’t often call her.
  3. What he is most afraid (怕) is people know he has no girlfriend.
  4. What my classmate 同学 wants to say is she tested well yesterday.
  5. What my dad hopes 希望 is I find a job this summer.
  6. What I want to know is how you came last week.
  7. What he does not understand (明白) is why you want to go to China now.
  8. What he talks 说 about is if you want him to be your lawyer.
  9. What my parents don’t like to see the most is I have no friends.
  10. What you said just now would make 让 my friends and family very upset.

More examples

Topic-Comment pattern

subject + verb + object  ——-> object + subject + verb

她 + 不喜欢喝 + 咖啡  ———> 咖啡 + 她 + 不喜欢喝。

我想睡觉去了。 ———-> 睡觉去了我想。

rewrite the following ten sentences

  1. 今天晚上我不想吃饭。
  2. 明天她不想去看那个电影。
  3. 妈妈不喜欢爸爸昨天给她的衬衫。
  4. 爸爸不喜欢姐姐的男朋友。
  5. 我觉得那条裤子太贵。
  6. 弟弟觉得哥哥的女朋友没有意思。
  7. 我的律师常常跟爸爸一起喝咖啡。
  8. 昨天我们没有中文考试。
  9. 她会唱很多美国歌。
  10. 他每天晚上都看电视。

翻译:use “what” pattern;

11. What they ate last night was home-style doufu (家常豆腐).

12. What my sister dislikes is you don’t often call her.

13. What she dislikes is others (别人) know she has a daughter.

14. What the director (导演) wants to say is that America still has many problems (问题).

15. What dad hopes is that older sister would not marry that lawyer.

16. What I want you to know is not everyone likes to listen to your singing.

17. What he does not understand (明白) is why you want to go to China now.

18. What Beijing wants to know is if America allows (让) Chinese to study (学习) in the U.S..

19. What my parents don’t like to see the most is I have no friends.

20. What you said now makes (让) me very uncomfortable (不舒服).