- 绕口令 tongue twister
2. 顾城(1956–1993)的《远与近》
- 你,一会儿(huǐr)看我,You look at me for a while,
- 一会儿看云(yún);and look at the cloud for a while
- 我觉得,你看我时/很远(yuǎn);I feel you are far away when you look at me
- 你看云时/很近(jìn)。but very close when you look at the cloud
3.《画》字谜 a riddle
- 远看/山(shān)有色,Seen from afar, the mountain is colorful
- 近听/水无(wú)声(shēng);Heard from close, the river has no sound
- 春(chūn)去/花(huā)还在,With spring gone, flowers still remain
- 人来/鸟(niǎo)不惊(jīng)。When people come, birds remain undisturbed
4. 李白(701–762, 唐)《静夜思》
- 床(chuáng)前/明月光(guāng),Bright moon light in front of the bed
- 疑(yí)是/地上霜(shuāng);Likely to be confused with frost on the ground
- 举(jǚ)头/(tóu)望(wàng)明月,With head raised I gaze at the moon
- 低(dī)头/思故乡(gù xiāng)。With head lowered I think of home
5. 李之仪(1038~1117, 宋) 我住长江头
- 我住/长江(jiāng)头,I reside at the head of the Yangtze River
- 君(jūn)住/长江尾(weǐ);You reside at the tail of the Yangtze River
- 日日思君/不见(jiàn)君,Everyday I see you not while thinking of you
- 共饮(yǐn)/长江水。When we both drink from the Yangtze River
6. 李清照(1084~1155, 宋) 《夏日绝句》
- 生当/作人杰(jié),In life, one ought to act like a warrior among people
- 死亦(yì)/为鬼(guǐ)雄(xióng);In death, one should also be a hero among ghosts
- 至(zhì)今/思项羽(Xiàng Yǔ),Even today, I still think of Xiang Yu
- 不肯(kěn)/过江(jiāng)东。Unwilling to move to east side of the river in retreat.
7. 孟浩然(689—740, 唐)
- 春眠(mián)/不觉晓(xiǎo),Spring slumber, not awake at dawn
- 处处(chù)/闻(wén)啼(tí)鸟(niǎo);Hearing birds sing everywhere
- 夜(yè)来/风(fēng)雨(yǔ)声(shēng),With the sound of wind and rain last night
- 花(huā)落(luò)/知(zhī)多少。How many flowers have fallen?
8. 孟郊(751–814, 唐)《游子吟》the song of a wanderer
- 慈母(cí mǔ)/手(shǒu)中线(xiàn), The threads in the hand of kind mother
- 游(yóu)子/身上衣;the shirt for the wandering son
- 临(lín)行/密密(mìmì)缝(féng),sewn densely before his departure,
- 意恐(kǒng)/迟迟(chíchí)归(guī);worried about his return no time soon;
- 谁言(yán)/寸(cùn)草(cǎo)心(xīn),who can speak for inch-tall green grass
- 报(bào)得/三春晖(huī)。filled with gratitude for the sunshine of past springs.
9. 《别》
- 你走了,没有留下地址,只留下一串笑容在夕阳里
- 你走了,没有说去哪里,只留下一双眼睛在露珠里
- 你走了,没有和谁说起,只留下一排影子在河水里
- 你走了,笑容融化在夕阳里,眼睛动荡在露珠里,影子摇晃在小河里。
- 哪里都有夕阳,哪里都有露珠,哪里都有河水;
- 你走了,留下了整个的你。
10. 泰戈尔 (1861年–1941) 《世界上最远的距离》