Interview3 questions

You interview your teachers and classmates, asking each person one of these 12 questions until you get 12 answers. We’ll check at the end if you remember the answers (English okay) that your interviewees have given

  1. 你家谁最爱❤️说话?
  2. 美国谁唱歌唱得最好?
  3. 你家谁跳舞跳得最不好👎?
  4. 你家谁做饭做得最好吃😋?
  5. 你家谁睡觉睡得最晚🥱?
  6. 你觉得美国女人谁是最漂亮😻?
  7. 你觉得美国男人谁是最帅(shuaì, handsome)?
  8. 你家谁看电视看得最多?
  9. 你家谁开车开得最慢?
  10. 你家谁的身体最好?
  11. 你家谁吃得最少?
  12. 你家谁的电脑最新(xīn, new)?