A 比 B xxxx (A is superior to or more than B in some respect)
A 没有B xxxx (A is inferior to or less than B in some respect)
- 哥哥比妹妹高。
- 妹妹没有哥哥高。
- 她比我喜欢唱歌。
- 我没有她喜欢唱歌。
- 妈妈比爸爸工作忙。
- 爸爸没有妈妈工作忙。
- 美国人比中国人爱打篮球🏀
- 中国人没有美国人爱打篮球🏀。
- 姐姐比哥哥跳舞跳得好。
- 哥哥没有姐姐跳舞跳得好。
- 她考试考得比我好。
- 我考试没有她考得好。
A 跟 B 一样 xxx (A and B are identical or same in some respect)
- 哥哥跟妹妹一样高。
- 她跟我一样喜欢唱歌。
- 妈妈跟爸爸工作一样忙。
- 美国人跟中国人一样爱打篮球🏀
- 姐姐跟哥哥跳舞跳得一样好。
- 她考试考得跟我一样好。
- Mom is as tall as dad.
- He tests as well as we do.
- The stuff you bought is not as cheap as what he bought.
- We are as broke (没有钱) as you.
- They are as happy as you. 高兴
- I dislike the test yesterday as much as you.
- America is as big as China.
- Younger sister likes soccer (足球⚽️) as much as older sister.
- The tuition (学费) of our school is as expensive as that of yours.
- He speaks English as badly as he did ten years ago.
- Her lawyer is as famous (有名) as yours.
- Starbuck’s coffee is as good to drink (好喝) as made by my mother.
- The Chinese characters you write are as pretty as those I write.
- Watching movies is as interesting as reading a book
- He sleeps as late as she does.
11. 我今年19。我的女朋友今年18。
12. 早上妈妈喝了两杯咖啡。爸爸喝了四杯。
13. 我昨天看了半个钟头的书。她看了一小时的书。
14. 今天的中文考试,我考了95分,李小姐考了75分。
15. 李老师有14个学生。王老师有9个学生。
16. 我的电话800块钱。他的电脑400块钱。
17. Wooster有20个美国饭馆,两个中国饭馆。
18. 小张一个星期看一次电影。老李一年看一次电影。
19. 爸爸一年买三件衣服;妈妈一个月买三件。
20. 他们的可乐2块钱一杯;你们的可乐三块钱一杯。