One of the uses of “了” is to indicate that some change has occurred. “了” does not always mean something that happened in the past, but rather something has occurred. For example,
- 现在下雨了。(It’s raining, as opposed to 昨天没下雨。)
- 我吃饱(bǎo)了。(I am full now; as opposed to 刚才我很饿è。)
- 我没钱了。(I am broke; as opposed to 今天早上我有200块钱。)
- 你瘦(shòu)了。(You have lost weight; as opposed to 以前你很胖pàng。)
- 现在东西贵(guì)了。(Things are getting pricy; as opposed to 以前东西都很便宜。)
Finish the following below with the use of “了”:
- 以前我很怕(pà, afraid)我的爸爸,现在 . . .
- 昨天下雪了,很冷,今天 . . .
- 小的时候, 妹妹喜欢穿我的衣服,可是现在 . . .
- 妈妈以前喜欢唱歌跳舞,现在 . . .
- 两年前爸爸晚上睡得很晚,现在 . . .
Make a sentence with (. . . v 是 v, 可是 . . . ), to concede but disagree:
- 看电影有意思是有意思, 可是 . . .
- 在餐厅吃饭方便是方便,可是 . . .
- 坐飞机快是快,可是 . . .
- 爸爸开车开得好是好,可是 . . .
- 沃尔玛(Walmart)的东西便宜是便宜,可是 . . .