Question Words

Question words can be used as indefinites like “whatever”, “whoever”, “however”, “how many”, “wherever”, or “whichever” when used with  都.

Question words: 谁who、什么what、哪where、怎么how、

多少N how much、哪N whichever

Pattern: subject + QW (object)+ 都 + (不/没)+ verb


什么都不想吃。I want to eat nothing.

谁都不认识。She knows no one.

他们哪儿都想去。They want to go anywhere.

弟弟怎么都不说。Kid brother says nothing no matter how.

那个人几年都不洗澡(xǐ zǎo, shower)。That man hasn’t showered in years.

姐姐的哪个男朋友爸爸都不喜欢。Dad likes none of older sister’s boyfriends.


  1. She is liked by everybody.
  2. He likes nobody.
  3. Mom does not want to anywhere this weekend.
  4. I won’t say anything
  5. She won’t eat anything I cook.
  6. They saw no movie last year.
  7. We asked everybody.
  8. She won’t listen to whatever I say.
  9. However you dance, we will be happy.
  10. He doesn’t feel busy however many days a week he works.

Other uses of question words.